SEE-Beyond Summer Funding
2025 Application
Info Sessions:
Wednesday, February 5
12 noon-1 pm
Friday, February 21
3:30-4:30 pm
LI 129
SEE-Beyond Awards invite you to explore; to apply your academic-year learning to real-world challenges; and to clarify the interrelationship between your educational and post-baccalaureate goals. Awardees receive $6,000 to support:
- field or laboratory research in an area of your choice, with the permission of the host institution and research sponsor;
- internships with clearly defined learning goals that complement your academic plan;
- artistic residencies, workshops, apprenticeships, or productions.
This list is not exhaustive nor is it meant to be prescriptive. Any experience that puts your classroom learning into practice or that deepens your knowledge or understanding of the discipline may be supported. The $6,000 award may be used at the student’s discretion to cover a summer stipend/salary, participation fees or tuition, travel expenses, and summer room and board. Experiences must be a minimum of 8 weeks/320 hours.* SEE-Beyond will not fund experiences where an applicant earns $2,000 or more in stipend or wages. For questions, please check our FAQ page.
For more information about the SEE-Beyond award or questions that aren't addressed on our FAQ page, please contact Marla Melito at
SEE-Beyond Awards may be used to access opportunities anywhere in the world, except in countries with State Department travel warnings or advisories.
Read more for details on dates and the selection process
Note: We recognize the intensity of some experiencese may be fewer weeks with the same number of hours.
By expanding funded opportunities beyond internships to include support for collaborative research, artistic apprenticeships and workshops, and other forms of engagement, SEE-Beyond attracts applicants from all academic areas. Students are encouraged to think big … to craft an experience uniquely tailored to their educational goals in the major or minor."Corey Freeman-Gallant
Professor of Biology & Associate Dean of the Faculty